On the satellite image , the flooded areas over tonle sap and phnom penh in cambodia appear in dark colour 从卫星图像可见,柬埔寨的金边及洞里萨湖一带正受水灾包围,图中水灾区呈现为黑色。
On the satellite image , the flooded areas over tonle sap and phnom penh in cambodia appear in dark colour 从卫星图像可见,柬埔寨的金边及洞里萨湖一带正受水灾包围,图中水灾区呈现为黑色。
In the afternoon , we will take a cruise tour travel to the largest freshwater lake in southeast asia - tonle sap lake 午后前往搭乘游船游览东南亚最大的淡水湖?洞里萨湖,在这游程中,您可看到水上人家捕鱼、种菜、养猪等日常生活作息,别具风味。